Unagi Power

I like "Unagi" that is eel. Unagi is the power food for many of Japanese. There is a little difference of cooking between western and eastern in Japan, but they are similar anyway. We usually like to have a grilled unagi with the sauce(so called "tare yaki") or just with salt(so called "shirayaki").

Here is the picture of "Una-juu" we have last week, that is the grilled unagi lapping over the rice. "Una" and "Juu" stands for "unagi" and "lapping over rice" respectively.

At the supermarket, we can see grilled unagi imported from China. Those are cheep,but a kind of unsellable. Many of Japanese are nervous when any food imported from China because of their fear about the contamination in China. So they choose Japanese eel that is almost double price.

I don't know the eel the unagi restaurant uses is from China or Japan, but we don't care almost. hahaha

I guess most of the unagi restaurants don't have English sign like "Unagi" so you may see just "鰻" in Japanese, but if you want to have a good Unagi, you may ask anybody you meet on the street. I guess every town in Japan have some local unagi restaurants, and they may like it.


bluewhales said…
i bought china eel from a supermarket from the homeless sector of osaka. it cost 395 Yen. im eating it now and i was wondering why its so cheap! i searched online and found your page. did you ever find out what the hell is wrong with it?

im touring japland for 2 weeks and im surprised to find unagi so expensive. im worried about the china unagi but it hasnt stopped me from buying it almost every other day.

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